Current Judges
Please check the Membership has been paid in the Financial members and grades
A Grade Judges |
Don Eyb Chief Judge Ph: (02) 9529 8416 Mob: 0402 233 808 |
George Rathbone Ph: (03) 5453 3511 Mob: 0428 842 124 |
Bill Harrison Mob: 0428 506 493 |
Wayne Biffin Mob: 0438 936 784 |
Judy Biffin Mob: 0438 936 784 |
Darrell Clibbon Ph: (02) 6732 1471 Mob: 0427 321 471 |
Merv Membrey Mob: 0429 877 663 |
Judith L Biffin Ph: (02) 6769 1513 Mob: 0409 264 441 |
Theresa Stair Mob: 0448 736 732 |
Terry Phillips Mob: 0428 255 516 |
Christina Swinton Ph: (02) 5881 3610 Mob: 0428 164 218 |
Ray Johnston Ph: (08) 8087 3029 Mob: 0409 830 436 |
John Gurney Mob: 0438 468 455 |
Desley Gurney Mob: 0438 468 455 |
B Grade Judges |
Darren Barker Mob: 0438 697 234 |
Claire Fitzpatrick Mob: 0408 577 248 |
In Training |
Arthur De Main Mob: 0427 141 848 |