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Terry, Jake, Donna and Andrea gave an impressive Australian Team display at the Mitta Muster 2016
Queensland Tentpeggers performed a Pegging display at the QSEC Horse Home Show, 13th February, 2016. Many thanks to riders and helpers making this possible
Our team of Bryson Roser, Jake VanDorssen, Neville Rathbone, George Rathbone (Manager), Des Clarke (Reserve and Coach) and Terry Phillips represented Australia in Egypt competing against the best in the World.
Team Results
1st - Australian Lighthorse 378.5
2nd - Hazels Tamworth 370
3rd - City Cowboys 356.5
4th - Albury 353.5
5th - North East Victoria 312
Overall Individual winner - Sam Collette
Congratulations to our Australian Team that competed in the UAE World Cup Qualifier in Abu Dhabi. Neville Rathbone, Barry Biffin, Jake Van Dosssen, Bryson Roser, Tod Carey, Terry Phillips.
The Australian Ladies Team consisted of:
Donna Davidson
Christine Staats
Andrea Membrey
Dakota Brown
Bonnie Morris
Team consisted of: Jake VanDorssen, Neville Rathbone, Chris Swinton and Des Clarke.